Alyssa Colon's profile

Thorn Floral Pattern

Prompt: Using live flowers, draw until inspiration strikes. Based off of the drawings, design a floral half-drop pattern

Timeline: 2 weeks

What I found most inspiring to draw was not the flowers themselves, but thorns I plucked off a rose. It amused me to see them this way.
Week 1: I went ahead to make a mock composition using chalk pastel, continuing to be amused. 
14" x 30" chalk pastel on paper
Week 2: Making the final pattern, I had a last minute change of heart. In an effort to make the composition more dynamic, I ended up far from the original emotion of my sketch and added petals and leaves of the rose in with the thorns. 
24" x 38" acrylic on paper
This rendition is not the final form, to be updated soon.
Thorn Floral Pattern

Thorn Floral Pattern

Floral Pattern with thorns
